Friday, December 26, 2008


ok guys...God loves us and we do too...get with the program... stand up and shout to our lord Jesus Christ...who will stand with me for the lord? not stay in your buildings of bondage...your leaders have taken your joy...praise loudly and dance for Jesus...He is not in the manger anymore and no one is on the cross... it is finished...the pressure valve has been opened...the truth of the living son of God is come...Dave the Planetarian stands for our king of kings...who will stand with me for the lord...I will stand alone if I must and I shall not be forsaken or defeated...I have my brother and friend beside army without number is at my back...our time is short...the First Planetarian Jubilee will begin when I am given the word of God by his son Jesus...I have begun my praise and worship in preparation...I declare to the world that I am a true child of God...who will stand with me for the lord...who will help us show our heartbroken father that we have not abandoned him and our brothers sacrifice was not for naught...know God's Grace is enough...We must put our love of, trust, faith, hope in, and friendship of God's Glory, to praise and prayer...Together as the family we were created to not be afraid...(DON'T FREAK OUT)...YOU ARE ALREADY HOLY...COME WHOLELY...NOT HOLEY , LIKE A BUCK SHOT BUCK...WERE A FAMILY...FOR CHRIST SAKE...GET OVER IT AND GET ON WITH IT...YOU KNOW YOU LOVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS...TELL EM...HUG EM...PRAISE AND WORSHIP WITH YOUR BROTHER JESUS...NOT AT A GOD YOU CANNOT REACH...JESUS WALKS YOU TO IT AND THROUGH IT...NOT ONLY DID HE DIE FOR US UNTO HIS FATHER...WE MAKE HIM TAKE THE HIT WITH US EVERY DAY...REFUSING TO CHOOSE HIM...INSTEAD WE USE HIM...HE DOES NOT CARE...HE IS GLAD FOR ANY NOTICE WE MAY GIVE HIM...HE LOVES US AND WE DO TOO...

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