Saturday, March 29, 2008


Daily Christian Wisdom:

A Christian should always remember that the value of his good works is not based on their number and excellence, but on the love of God which prompts him to do these things.


There is nothing wrong with the people who enjoy doing the Will of God... They are not bound in chains, but are joyful in there choices and challenges... Jesus said His yoke is light... He never lies...When I tell the Truth, I do not have to remember what I said, as the Truth is always the same...I do not have to figure out what is right or wrong if I take the time to listen to the Spirit of Jesus in my heart...Living the "Cross Life" is quite simple and the choices and challenges I face are all to the Glory of GOD...I am free to serve, love, and forgive others...The Bible tells me so...I need only what He provides and have no expectations of Fame or Fortune...My Total Faith in Gods Promises and Jesus' Sacrifice, give me peace, knowing I am under Gods Grace and Mercy...I fear no man and require nothing from this earthly realm...One God...One Truth...My Salvation...I need only to be still and "Know" He is God..."Get behind me satan...You are blocking my view"